+ [2020-02-09T22:39:04Z] aerth weird, thanks.
+ [2020-02-09T22:40:34Z] aerth just going to delete the repo and try again :P
+ [2020-02-09T22:41:18Z] aerth well that worked
+ [2020-02-09T22:41:55Z] aerth it didnt!
+ [2020-02-09T22:48:47Z] aerth if it was sensitive information, not sure what i'd do, but by deleting the repo it removed all the references in the upstream repo's issues. (i guess the commit url is cached, because that still works even though it doesnt exist in this new repo) -- anyways have fun see ya

message no. 176966

Posted by aerth in #github at 2020-02-09T22:40:34Z

just going to delete the repo and try again :P
+ [2020-02-10T14:14:13Z] kreyren_ How can i login to docker on GitHub Actions? https://github.com/RXT0112/Zernit/pull/40/checks?check_run_id=436254758
+ [2020-02-10T18:08:35Z] enet hi guys, are there some githubers here?
+ [2020-02-10T18:09:08Z] enet i mean people, who work at GitHub (ideally as a developer)
+ [2020-02-10T18:26:19Z] R2robot never seen one here