latest 14 messages by aerth

+ [2020-02-09T22:48:47Z] aerth if it was sensitive information, not sure what i'd do, but by deleting the repo it removed all the references in the upstream repo's issues. (i guess the commit url is cached, because that still works even though it doesnt exist in this new repo) -- anyways have fun see ya
+ [2020-02-09T22:41:55Z] aerth it didnt!
+ [2020-02-09T22:41:18Z] aerth well that worked
+ [2020-02-09T22:40:34Z] aerth just going to delete the repo and try again :P
+ [2020-02-09T22:39:04Z] aerth weird, thanks.
+ [2020-02-09T22:36:44Z] aerth and if possible remove the reference link in the issue
+ [2020-02-09T22:36:15Z] aerth you know how when you push a commit that references an issue it adds a link that says it mentions this issue? and when you force-push a commit, in the past, it would make that commit unavailable, but in the past months i have noticed otherwise (now old commits are stored) how to remove these shadow branches?
+ [2017-05-08T22:07:55Z] aerth thanks , have great day all
+ [2017-05-08T22:07:43Z] aerth must be
+ [2017-05-08T21:58:17Z] aerth cant edit repo description, add topics, or click the color bar to see what language the repo is
+ [2017-05-08T21:57:40Z] aerth something wrong with cdn javascript today?
+ [2015-05-19T23:01:46Z] aerth if anyone wants to check that out. Easy to create virtual hosts on debian, needs 1 modification for ubuntu, and need to test on centos
+ [2015-02-10T19:01:09Z] aerth "Summary of Pull Requests, issues opened, and commits."
+ [2015-02-10T19:00:36Z] aerth has anyone made art from their "Public contributions" timeline?