+ [5 years ago] enet blog describes rather technical details and official events, than work and hiring process
+ [5 years ago] enet at least, i'd ask is open positions list actual on the website https://github.com/about/careers ? does anybody read those applications, sent via the form https://boards.greenhouse.io/github/jobs/2055178 ?
+ [5 years ago] enet if somebody looks at my resume, it will be a good start already :D
+ [5 years ago] causasui in dependabot is there same way I can export the settings for a repo to a yaml file I could use as config.yml?
+ [5 years ago] squirrel can i have redirects in githib wiki?

message no. 176982

Posted by squirrel in #github at 2020-02-10T23:14:29Z

can i have redirects in githib wiki?
+ [5 years ago] LiENUS hmm is there a step im missing to enable (yml) actions on a new account?
+ [5 years ago] LiENUS aha my release.yml was wrong
+ [5 years ago] billyxu Hi, there. I met a strange problem about the Github-provided no-reply email address. According to Github's doc, after choosing 'Keep my email address private', the email address should be in the form of 'username@users.noreply.github.com' since I registered my Github account prior to July 18, 2017. But actually the email address is in the form of 'ID+username@users.noreply.github.com'. I'd like to have the right form instead.
+ [5 years ago] billyxu Meanwhile, Github's doc says, 'If you created your GitHub account after July 18, 2017, your GitHub-provided no-reply email address is a seven-digit ID number and your username in the form of ID+username@users.noreply.github.com. But the ID set for me is a six-digit number. Hopefully someone can help me solve this problem. Thanks in advance.
+ [5 years ago] kreyren How can i run linting only on specified files? http://dpaste.com/04JB7E9.txt