+[2020-02-16T01:59:45Z]emfippnormally you wouldn't be able to get a #name unless the organ behind the name sponsor its creation +[2020-02-16T02:00:09Z]R2robotthat's part of the channel create rules, but not necessarily enforced +[2020-02-16T02:00:24Z]R2robotand it would be the freenode staff that enforces that rule +[2020-02-16T02:00:42Z]R2robotand as I just pointed out, freenode staff is the founder of the channel +[2020-02-16T02:00:51Z]R2robotso this is a pointless conversation
+[2020-02-17T11:54:15Z]escherialhey, i'm not sure how this happened, but there are two branches on this github repo that differ only by capitalization and it's wreaking havoc on my local machine (OS X) +[2020-02-17T11:56:41Z]escheriali'm trying to pin down specifically what's going wrong, sorry for the vague complaint so far... +[2020-02-17T11:58:19Z]escherialok, so "api" and "API" differ by 8 commits on github; on my local machine, when i pull it always notifies me that there's a new branch: api -> origin/api +[2020-02-17T11:58:51Z]escheriali've ensured that my local API branch is tracking origin/API by running git branch -vv and checking the remote-tracked branch +[2020-02-17T11:59:29Z]escherialanyway, the first time i git pull and then status, it notifies me that i'm ahead of "API" by 8 commits (which i would be if it were comparing my local branch to the remote "api" one)