+ [2020-03-01T08:14:31Z] R2robot if you use vim, there is markdown-preview plugin. Not gh specific though
+ [2020-03-01T08:16:05Z] R2robot https://github.com/iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim
+ [2020-03-01T08:17:35Z] worch Is there some way to receive a webhook for a repo that you don't control e.g. ReleaseEvent? Or would I just have to poll releases?
+ [2020-03-01T22:49:03Z] shrysr Is this correct w.r.t gpg signing of commits : I upload to gh my public key, sign a commit locally with private and this is crypto verified by gh? Say I dont believe GH - I can still manually verify the sign with the public key of the person who commits?
+ [2020-03-01T22:50:34Z] shrysr I am posting ^ in #gnupg as well

message no. 177454

Posted by diverdude in #github at 2020-03-01T00:37:39Z

nedbat: thanx
+ [2020-03-02T01:24:41Z] worch shrysr: yea. See `git log --show-signature` and `git verify-commit`
+ [2020-03-02T02:45:02Z] shrysr ty worch
+ [2020-03-02T11:05:00Z] roboirc can we setup a custom selection for new issue type in github? if so how?
+ [2020-03-02T11:07:08Z] roboirc do I have to create an issue template like this? https://github.com/material-components/material-components-android/blob/master/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md
+ [2020-03-02T11:08:44Z] roboirc thats what i have to do!