+ [2020-03-13T17:02:50Z] Tiders Yeah I've tested accross a bunch of public repos and it seems to be everywhere
+ [2020-03-13T17:03:22Z] Tiders Not sure how to go about submitting a bug for this?
+ [2020-03-13T17:04:33Z] nedbat Tiders: https://www.githubstatus.com/ doesn't mention it
+ [2020-03-13T17:04:39Z] nedbat Tiders: write to support@github.com ?
+ [2020-03-13T17:04:53Z] Tiders Yeah I think I will then. Wasn't sure if they had a repo for it.

message no. 177697

Posted by Tiders in #github at 2020-03-13T16:59:41Z

Seems like issue templates might be broken. Have tested on various repos not owned by me and the body content of issues is not being filled from teh template unless the template is classified as an Organization template (those seem to be working)
+ [2020-03-14T05:02:08Z] finn0 Is it possible to create a pull for a project directly from terminal? (for which I've no write permission)
+ [2020-03-14T05:06:21Z] finn0 Sometimes I create a very small patches for which I don't need to create a separate fork for contribution, only clone, do some small changes (like fix typo, grammartical mistakes etc) and create pull request is required.
+ [2020-03-14T05:07:19Z] finn0 So that I've to never leave my terminal to create a create a merge request.
+ [2020-03-14T10:18:15Z] ikonia is it possible to authentic pushes to github using an ssh key rather than an API key
+ [2020-03-14T10:21:26Z] roboirc https://help.github.com/en/enterprise/2.17/user/github/authenticating-to-github/generating-a-new-ssh-key-and-adding-it-to-the-ssh-agent