+ [2020-03-13T17:02:50Z] Tiders Yeah I've tested accross a bunch of public repos and it seems to be everywhere
+ [2020-03-13T17:03:22Z] Tiders Not sure how to go about submitting a bug for this?
+ [2020-03-13T17:04:33Z] nedbat Tiders: https://www.githubstatus.com/ doesn't mention it
+ [2020-03-13T17:04:39Z] nedbat Tiders: write to support@github.com ?
+ [2020-03-13T17:04:53Z] Tiders Yeah I think I will then. Wasn't sure if they had a repo for it.

message no. 177702

Posted by nedbat in #github at 2020-03-13T17:04:39Z

Tiders: write to support@github.com ?
+ [2020-03-14T05:02:08Z] finn0 Is it possible to create a pull for a project directly from terminal? (for which I've no write permission)
+ [2020-03-14T05:06:21Z] finn0 Sometimes I create a very small patches for which I don't need to create a separate fork for contribution, only clone, do some small changes (like fix typo, grammartical mistakes etc) and create pull request is required.
+ [2020-03-14T05:07:19Z] finn0 So that I've to never leave my terminal to create a create a merge request.
+ [2020-03-14T10:18:15Z] ikonia is it possible to authentic pushes to github using an ssh key rather than an API key
+ [2020-03-14T10:21:26Z] roboirc https://help.github.com/en/enterprise/2.17/user/github/authenticating-to-github/generating-a-new-ssh-key-and-adding-it-to-the-ssh-agent