+[2020-03-16T17:41:28Z]noob_noobin this current setup we actually already have cloud environments that act as a develop environment and cloud environments that act as production environments +[2020-03-16T17:41:34Z]noob_noobthere's actually a lot of configuration duplication +[2020-03-16T17:41:40Z]noob_noobor... code duplication you can call it +[2020-03-16T17:41:48Z]noob_noobif you've ever used terraform this stuff kind of gets wonky +[2020-03-16T17:42:39Z]R2robotnever have
i think a complaint there was if we let it build up there would be a lot of stuff going into master as once
+[2020-03-17T03:10:44Z]baymanhow do I allow git pull without prompting for credentials? +[2020-03-17T04:09:36Z]acidvegas<--------- +[2020-03-17T04:10:50Z]acidvegasis there a way to +[2020-03-17T04:10:56Z]acidvegasparse the organization name +[2020-03-17T04:11:01Z]acidvegasfrom a repo using the api