latest 20 messages by noob_noob

+ [2020-03-16T17:41:48Z] noob_noob if you've ever used terraform this stuff kind of gets wonky
+ [2020-03-16T17:41:40Z] noob_noob or... code duplication you can call it
+ [2020-03-16T17:41:34Z] noob_noob there's actually a lot of configuration duplication
+ [2020-03-16T17:41:28Z] noob_noob in this current setup we actually already have cloud environments that act as a develop environment and cloud environments that act as production environments
+ [2020-03-16T17:40:58Z] noob_noob so the idea is --> merge to develop --> ci/cd tool will run what needs to change (e.g travis CI etc)
+ [2020-03-16T17:39:32Z] noob_noob which at the end of the day is... configuration
+ [2020-03-16T17:39:20Z] noob_noob its really just a repo full of infrastructure as code
+ [2020-03-16T17:39:09Z] noob_noob well.. the whole problem is also compounded by the fact that this repository isnt really storing traditional code
+ [2020-03-16T17:35:56Z] noob_noob there are people who are against using cherry-pick too
+ [2020-03-16T17:33:57Z] noob_noob also the case of where there are certain things that wanted to be promoted from develop into master but not others
+ [2020-03-16T17:33:46Z] noob_noob i think a complaint there was if we let it build up there would be a lot of stuff going into master as once
+ [2020-03-16T17:32:34Z] noob_noob then PR to master
+ [2020-03-16T17:32:32Z] noob_noob you make one to develop, let it get merged and test
+ [2020-03-16T17:32:26Z] noob_noob the idea is you dont make both PRs right away
+ [2020-03-16T17:32:14Z] noob_noob pretty much Soliton
+ [2020-03-16T17:13:51Z] noob_noob versus having a branch that would act as a buffer normally
+ [2020-03-16T17:13:40Z] noob_noob i think something like bad code can go through or something and pollute the master branch
+ [2020-03-16T17:13:19Z] noob_noob ehh nothing that i consider admissable
+ [2020-03-16T17:11:05Z] noob_noob there's been opposition to just having a shared master branch and nothing else