+ [5 years ago] jfoster Anyhow, if anyone sees this later and thinks they would like to try it out or offer feedback, please pm me.
+ [5 years ago] Soliton what's the advantage of having many repos if they need to be in sync anyway?
+ [5 years ago] jfoster Soliton Sometimes products have multiple pieces that all need to be part of a release, and either for historical or scope reasons they need to live in multiple repos.
+ [5 years ago] jfoster An example is an enterprise SaaS that has a custom environment for onsite install and devops tooling for that, a web application, and a largely static public website.
+ [5 years ago] jfoster In this example, the repos get issues for fixes or enhancements related specifically to their function, but need to be brought forth as a single release at the same time.

message no. 178020

Posted by Stummi in #github at 2020-03-17T10:53:11Z

theres probably another way to solve this. But as said, I never used the http endpoints for my private repos, so I cant say much about it
+ [5 years ago] teut need help with opensource
+ [5 years ago] teut someone here?
+ [5 years ago] jhass ?anyone teut
+ [5 years ago] jhass oh, wrong channel :D
+ [5 years ago] teut asking on git currently