+[2020-03-25T18:57:01Z]drleviathanI see. Yes that agrees with the stackoverflow link I just found about "wtf pipe in yml?" +[2020-03-25T19:05:06Z]drleviathanIt becomes more clear: the "echo" lines are "workflow" commands. The echos are talking to the "runner" which is reading the output and can accept commands --> one step can "talk" to subsequent steps through "workflow commands" passed through the runner +[2020-03-25T19:13:45Z]drleviathanidly... I wonder if some custom script (e.g. executed deep inside some set of make rules) could print out "::set-env name=foo::bar" commands that would be interpreted by the runner +[2020-03-25T19:19:36Z]drleviathanif I were working at github I would probably try to be clever and force such commands to only work through echo, by supplying a modified version of the echo command under the hood. I will assume github devs are cleverer than I am and have had ample time to solve the hack paths that occur to me. +[2020-03-25T23:58:18Z]drleviathanw00t! I was able to create my own github action and run it without errors. Now to make it do something useful.
+[2020-03-26T00:10:03Z]R2robot\(^o^)/ +[2020-03-26T08:08:03Z]TomyLobohi +[2020-03-26T08:08:38Z]TomyLobohttps://github.community/t5/How-to-use-Git-and-GitHub/Feature-Request-Switch-from-ready-to-draft-in-pull-requests/td-p/19107 what's the status of this? comments are exploding, everyone wants it, I want it, too :) +[2020-03-26T10:45:09Z]paul424naah I finally got write access to our project , question is .... can it be taken away without my permission ? +[2020-03-26T10:46:04Z]paul424taken away from me I mean....