+ [2020-03-29T14:32:45Z] teut and some guys(2) edited it and finally it was merged
+ [2020-03-29T14:32:57Z] altendky teut: the link next to master below the title on your commit leads to the pr it was introduced by
+ [2020-03-29T14:33:15Z] teut ya this is it
+ [2020-03-29T14:33:29Z] teut thanks
+ [2020-03-29T21:25:08Z] rolandas hello i have two different pcs and pushed to one repo, is it possible to merge those users?

message no. 178736

Posted by rolandas in #github at 2020-03-29T21:25:08Z

hello i have two different pcs and pushed to one repo, is it possible to merge those users?
+ [2020-03-30T08:36:01Z] tarkus Hey guys! I see "This branch has not been deployed" status message in PRs, what makes GitHub show it up? And how to mark it as complete?
+ [2020-03-30T09:41:46Z] tarkus [CI] How would you make your build workflow trigger a deployment? Or, do you normally have deployment step(s) as part of your PR build workflow?
+ [2020-03-31T02:22:54Z] tomkralidis hi all: for whatever reason, my Travis build doesn't show up on my PRs on GitHub anymore: https://github.com/geopython/pycsw/pull/608 Any idea what's wrong here? Not sure if this is a GitHub or Travis issue/question
+ [2020-03-31T02:30:48Z] tomkralidis nm, looks like legacy service migration was needed. Sorry for the noise
+ [2020-03-31T15:44:02Z] BMO-noire is anyone else having connectivity issues with github over https?