+ [2020-04-20T23:24:41Z] rsrx is it OK to use github actions to run unit tests for the project before its being deployed to ec2?
+ [2020-04-20T23:24:59Z] rsrx or I should use codebuild or something
+ [2020-04-20T23:25:09Z] drleviathan yes, that is a good way to use github actions
+ [2020-04-20T23:25:46Z] rsrx alright
+ [2020-04-20T23:25:48Z] rsrx thanks

message no. 179504

Posted by bettencb in #github at 2020-04-20T02:00:06Z

I'm fairly new to the github process and was wondering if anyone had a good walkthrough with how to clone a repo then compile and run the code. I keep reading that there's usually instructions in the repo, the specific repo I'm referring to is the microsoft's vscode. I'm working on the code just from the command line in ubuntu 18.04 lts
+ [2020-04-21T09:55:55Z] littlepython how can we delete a file in github
+ [2020-04-21T09:56:13Z] jhass littlepython: out of the latest version or permanently?
+ [2020-04-21T09:56:34Z] littlepython permanently - i want to create a PR though - like a patch branch or so
+ [2020-04-21T09:57:29Z] jhass that's not possible, only the repository owner can permanently remove a file from the entire history and it comes with a lot of cavehats. Please read https://help.github.com/en/github/authenticating-to-github/removing-sensitive-data-from-a-repository carefully