+ [2020-04-20T23:24:41Z] rsrx is it OK to use github actions to run unit tests for the project before its being deployed to ec2?
+ [2020-04-20T23:24:59Z] rsrx or I should use codebuild or something
+ [2020-04-20T23:25:09Z] drleviathan yes, that is a good way to use github actions
+ [2020-04-20T23:25:46Z] rsrx alright
+ [2020-04-20T23:25:48Z] rsrx thanks

message no. 179566

Posted by rsrx in #github at 2020-04-20T23:25:48Z

+ [2020-04-21T09:55:55Z] littlepython how can we delete a file in github
+ [2020-04-21T09:56:13Z] jhass littlepython: out of the latest version or permanently?
+ [2020-04-21T09:56:34Z] littlepython permanently - i want to create a PR though - like a patch branch or so
+ [2020-04-21T09:57:29Z] jhass that's not possible, only the repository owner can permanently remove a file from the entire history and it comes with a lot of cavehats. Please read https://help.github.com/en/github/authenticating-to-github/removing-sensitive-data-from-a-repository carefully