+ [2020-04-22T17:13:30Z] jhass https://help.github.com/en/github/working-with-github-pages/managing-a-custom-domain-for-your-github-pages-site
+ [2020-04-22T18:04:03Z] chris_99 Hi, this might be a silly question, but i created a project and linked to a repo, but when i go on the repo, it doesn't seem to show a project in the projects tab, it just says projects (0)
+ [2020-04-22T18:31:04Z] mike18 hi, how can i re-sync a pull request with the source: branch?
+ [2020-04-22T18:45:14Z] jhass add the upstream repository as git remote, git fetch that remote, and (assuming you called that remote upstream) either git rebase upstream/source_branch or git merge upstream/source_branch; resolve any conflicts on the way and then git push (-f for the rebase option) your updated branch to your fork

message no. 179635

Posted by twb in #github at 2020-04-22T06:25:44Z

Can I create a repo by just pushing to it, or do I need to use a web browser?
+ [2020-04-23T07:07:31Z] dka How can I revert the GitHub notifications to old layout ?
+ [2020-04-23T09:19:55Z] R2robot I don't think you can. The new one isn't in beta any more apparently
+ [2020-04-23T09:29:01Z] R2robot click the "Give Us Feedback" link and tell them what you don't like and what you like.
+ [2020-04-23T09:30:10Z] R2robot I did that a few times during the beta and thankfully, what they originally had wasn't released. I still don't like the new version, but at least they improved it some.
+ [2020-04-23T12:57:58Z] Wes- Mornin' folks -- looking for some advice. I've forked a project on github, and my changes will /not/ make it into mainline. What is the best way for me to set up my workflow so that I can track changes from the mainline? I normally do my work on feature branches and merge back to master. Do I keep this up, and just keep merging from the mainline master, or is there a smarter way? (My changes are surgical, difficult merge confli