+[11 years ago]DarrylKrax, On line 29 on _config.yml there will be something called a root "root /" change it to this "root /theoctopresssubfolder" +[11 years ago]KraxI did. Can I show you the site and the configs? +[11 years ago]DarrylSure. +[11 years ago]KraxI'll query you. +[11 years ago]DarrylKrax, Pastebin it here http://pastebin.revryl.com/
+[11 years ago]puputeHi, I went though the "getting started" steps to host an octopress blog on heroku, and my push generates errors "Could not detect rake tasks" +[11 years ago]puputeComplete output here : http://pastebin.com/yx9DBjyE +[11 years ago]puputeI'm not familiar with ruby so I don't understand what the problem is. +[11 years ago]puputeI saw that someone had a similar problem : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20422629/could-not-detect-rake-tasks +[11 years ago]puputeBut from the answer I don't understand if it matters or not. Could someone enlight me about this ?