+[2020-05-21T18:36:54Z]tetrakistThanks, nedbat +[2020-05-21T19:29:52Z]canton7Lewix, as in, the tooling we use for reviews has a harder time if one version of a commit is reviewed, then that's rewritten post-review +[2020-05-21T19:30:25Z]canton7Lewix, (to be honest, I don't know of any tooling which handles that perfectly, since the commit that was reviewed as unavoidably changed, although some handle it better than others) +[2020-05-21T23:52:44Z]gpI am trying to post yaml data to the api linter with application/x-yaml mimetype but that isn't supported. what type should I use? +[2020-05-21T23:55:19Z]gpdoh nm I realized I read it wrong - it expects the content string in a json object
message no. 180868
Posted by platz in #github at 2020-05-21T15:35:28Z
then it creates an entry in .git/config which implicitly sets the remote for the branch
+[2020-05-22T01:17:40Z]InnovAnon-Incwhat's the recommended way to release artifacts on github? ghr and github-release aren't doing it for me +[2020-05-22T01:26:44Z]nedbatInnovAnon-Inc: you know people here will ask the same queestion as in #git +[2020-05-22T01:27:14Z]nedbatInnovAnon-Inc: does the release already exist? +[2020-05-22T01:38:25Z]InnovAnon-Incno I need CircleCI to create the release and push the artifacts +[2020-05-22T01:38:42Z]InnovAnon-Incthe #git channel told me to come here