+ [2020-06-16T19:22:45Z] fling oh thanks
+ [2020-06-16T19:23:15Z] nedbat fling: i'm not sure how much of the "git help revisions" syntax is valid there
+ [2020-06-16T19:27:38Z] nedbat btw, i just tried "master@{5 months ago}" in that url as GITREF, and it worked.
+ [2020-06-16T19:27:55Z] fling nedbat: can I put a date there somehow?
+ [2020-06-16T19:28:08Z] nedbat fling: read "git help revisions", it explains the full syntax

message no. 182406

Posted by nedbat in #github at 2020-06-16T19:23:15Z

fling: i'm not sure how much of the "git help revisions" syntax is valid there
+ [2020-06-17T09:33:14Z] famubu How can I use images in my readme filewithout explicitly including it in my repo?
+ [2020-06-17T09:33:34Z] jhass explicitly include them wherever else :)
+ [2020-06-17T09:33:45Z] jhass They need to be stored somewhere
+ [2020-06-17T16:54:07Z] raz my 'actions/checkout@v2' actions fail with "Retrieving the default branch name - Not Found"
+ [2020-06-17T16:54:17Z] raz anyone seen this, what's going on?