+ [2014-02-11T23:18:13Z] SylvieLorxu Although I think a simple Python script could prepend it all with a 0
+ [2014-02-11T23:18:31Z] SylvieLorxu But I get the issues, I'll have to test this more
+ [2014-02-11T23:18:35Z] nounch SylvieLorxu: Sure, try on a copy first, of course.
+ [2014-02-11T23:20:19Z] nounch SylvieLorxu: Godd night!

message no. 18256

Posted by nounch in #jekyll at 2014-02-11T22:56:57Z

SylvieLorxu: SylvieLorxu DocToc lets you specify your sorting order (lexical, string length or custom). So you could put each post in its own directory which is located in one common dir in the project root, then specify your custom sort order in `sorting.yml'. To point to the next/previous post you can just use the `doctoc_prev'/`doctoc_next' tags.
+ [2014-02-12T19:34:13Z] SylvieLorxu Hey everyone, I have some issues regarding the liquid template language. So, I have the following code: https://iceb.in/paste/7eI8vG8W#pOmjblLntsT1xiHcnIWARA8LLotx/nX0tIq7CaN64kI= However, I want to access the count_products variable's final value, after it gets incremented a few times on line 22, on line 9. However, all I get is Jekyll putting "0 1 2" and so on into the body of the page. How would I go about
+ [2014-02-12T19:36:37Z] kaffeebohne troyswanson: https://paste.xinu.at/GDRgPz/