+ [2014-02-11T23:18:13Z] SylvieLorxu Although I think a simple Python script could prepend it all with a 0
+ [2014-02-11T23:18:31Z] SylvieLorxu But I get the issues, I'll have to test this more
+ [2014-02-11T23:18:35Z] nounch SylvieLorxu: Sure, try on a copy first, of course.
+ [2014-02-11T23:20:19Z] nounch SylvieLorxu: Godd night!

message no. 18286

Posted by nounch in #jekyll at 2014-02-11T23:14:29Z

You have to use a constant naming scheme that makes ruby read the files in a certain order then (basically you move the sorting order responsibility to the file system).
+ [2014-02-12T19:34:13Z] SylvieLorxu Hey everyone, I have some issues regarding the liquid template language. So, I have the following code: https://iceb.in/paste/7eI8vG8W#pOmjblLntsT1xiHcnIWARA8LLotx/nX0tIq7CaN64kI= However, I want to access the count_products variable's final value, after it gets incremented a few times on line 22, on line 9. However, all I get is Jekyll putting "0 1 2" and so on into the body of the page. How would I go about
+ [2014-02-12T19:36:37Z] kaffeebohne troyswanson: https://paste.xinu.at/GDRgPz/