+ [2013-05-26T12:27:22Z] mystiiq Liquid Exception: Unknown operator page in default
+ [2013-05-26T12:31:38Z] mystiiq I replaced "if not page.index" with "if page.date" to check whether it's the index or post page
+ [2013-05-26T20:20:18Z] RobW_ I'm generating a _config.yml file on the fly and adding it to my --config param, but it's not getting picked up. Is there any special file configuration needed for Jekyll/ruby to see the file?
+ [2013-05-26T20:21:27Z] RobW_ Right now it's just a write - string - to - file with node's fs.writeSync
+ [2013-05-26T20:49:20Z] RobW_ Victory.

message no. 2200

Posted by mystiiq in #jekyll at 2013-05-26T12:27:05Z

I am using the same layout for my index.html and posts. I have an if statement in the layout ({% if not page.index %}), and in my index.html I have variable "index:true" but for some reason jekyll fails to build it.
+ [2013-05-27T09:32:55Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] Change view : https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll/compare/52f9bb486ab3...4de61ce83e63
+ [2013-05-27T09:32:55Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] Build details : http://travis-ci.org/mojombo/jekyll/builds/7528912
+ [2013-05-27T09:32:55Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] mojombo/jekyll#1007 (jekyll-logger - 4de61ce : jbranchaud): The build passed.
+ [2013-05-27T20:00:47Z] pcarrier_ can I access a page's metadata (the yaml part) in fluid from the body?