latest 8 messages by mystiiq

+ [2016-11-04T21:55:06Z] mystiiq Plugin has: "self.read_yaml(File.join(base, '_layouts'), 'tag_index.html')" -- but this 'base' is of course site's base folder, not theme's
+ [2016-11-04T21:54:06Z] mystiiq That's what I suspected. So I put this plugin into another gem. But this plugin wants to use one of my theme's layouts. Is it possble?
+ [2016-11-04T21:51:34Z] mystiiq Hi. I packed my theme into a gem. I have one small plugin also in my theme's _plugin folder, but it seems it does not get executed when I build my site.
+ [2013-07-03T07:20:05Z] mystiiq hey, is there any jekyll plugins for a simple image gallery?
+ [2013-06-17T20:59:21Z] mystiiq guys, can you suggest me simple image gallery plugins for jekyll?
+ [2013-05-26T12:31:38Z] mystiiq I replaced "if not page.index" with "if" to check whether it's the index or post page
+ [2013-05-26T12:27:22Z] mystiiq Liquid Exception: Unknown operator page in default
+ [2013-05-26T12:27:05Z] mystiiq I am using the same layout for my index.html and posts. I have an if statement in the layout ({% if not page.index %}), and in my index.html I have variable "index:true" but for some reason jekyll fails to build it.