+ [2013-05-28T17:56:40Z] texasmynsted1 So to manage the site in git, I suppose one clones octopress, then adds their own remote for tracking local changes?
+ [2013-05-28T17:58:19Z] parkr yeah clone octopress and add your own "origin" remote to your github repo (for the source only) then add an "heroku" remote to push to heroku

message no. 2276

Posted by jjarmoc in #octopress at 2013-05-28T17:46:31Z

you might be able to get fancy with publishing to directories within the same root... ie /blog, /blog1, etc.. but on the octo side they're still seperate, just publish to different paths
+ [2013-05-30T05:19:36Z] jaysche Hey gang, I was wondering if someone could assist me with setting up Octopress through Github pages
+ [2013-05-30T19:49:35Z] makerbrakr hi, cna anyone point me to a good resource to deploying octopress to an already existing rails app?
+ [2013-05-30T19:57:08Z] makerbrakr right now, I have an existing rails app, and it has a symbolic link to octopress/blog, but my image links aren't showing up properly
+ [2013-05-30T19:57:40Z] makerbrakr they aren't using relative paths, and was wondering if there was an easy way to fix it rather than going through everything