latest 20 messages by jjarmoc

+ [2013-06-28T15:33:10Z] jjarmoc i prefer static whenever possible due to reduction in attack surface
+ [2013-05-28T17:46:31Z] jjarmoc you might be able to get fancy with publishing to directories within the same root... ie /blog, /blog1, etc.. but on the octo side they're still seperate, just publish to different paths
+ [2013-05-28T17:45:46Z] jjarmoc i haven't done heroku publishing, so can't help you there really
+ [2013-05-28T17:45:36Z] jjarmoc yah, you essentially want multiple installs
+ [2013-05-28T17:44:14Z] jjarmoc if you're publishing to github pages, you'd need multiple github accounts
+ [2013-05-28T17:44:02Z] jjarmoc just a different directory, with different config, etc..
+ [2013-05-24T23:10:16Z] jjarmoc This is why I don't use Gentoo :)
+ [2013-05-24T23:04:27Z] jjarmoc I guess whatever floats your boat though
+ [2013-05-24T23:04:19Z] jjarmoc everyone says that, but I dunno... rvm doesn't feel weighty to me.
+ [2013-05-24T23:02:55Z] jjarmoc ain't nobody got time fo' that!
+ [2013-05-24T23:02:47Z] jjarmoc i dunno why veryone be hatin' on they rvm what with the rbenv and chruby and whatnot
+ [2013-05-24T23:02:14Z] jjarmoc similar... mac guy with rvm
+ [2013-05-24T23:00:58Z] jjarmoc how the hell would that work?
+ [2013-05-24T23:00:47Z] jjarmoc really?
+ [2013-05-24T23:00:37Z] jjarmoc parkr: I don't think you can NOT install stdlib... it's standard, after all
+ [2013-05-24T23:00:11Z] jjarmoc so how the hell did it fail in the first place?!
+ [2013-05-24T23:00:03Z] jjarmoc json is stdlib in 1.9.3
+ [2013-05-24T22:59:57Z] jjarmoc
+ [2013-05-24T22:58:51Z] jjarmoc it doesn't have JSON, but so long as it's listed as a dependency on whatever gem needs it, it'll resolve