+ [2014-07-08T23:15:38Z] Bigpet ptofall code formatting is either 4 spaces at the beginning of a line
+ [2014-07-08T23:15:51Z] Bigpet or enclosingin ` `
+ [2014-07-08T23:20:16Z] jeffreylevesque if I don't commit to GitHub for 2 years, will my "Longest Streak" be reset to zero?
+ [2014-07-08T23:21:08Z] profall thank you Bigpet
+ [2014-07-08T23:24:46Z] Boom_Farmer profall: If you're quoting text instead of code, just stick a ">" at the front of the line, followed by a space.

message no. 28274

Posted by Bigpet in #github at 2014-07-08T23:15:38Z

ptofall code formatting is either 4 spaces at the beginning of a line
+ [2014-07-09T00:54:59Z] polyzen does github send an email when you push a "new"/amended commit that was/is in a pull request?
+ [2014-07-09T00:59:58Z] polyzen ammended*
+ [2014-07-09T01:01:40Z] nahtnam Can someone please check the CNAME file and make sure its right? https://github.com/nahtnam/0ak/tree/gh-pages
+ [2014-07-09T01:01:56Z] nahtnam Do I need http://