+ [2013-06-13T23:24:22Z] BenderCoin hey anyone in here using media players in octopress?
+ [2013-06-13T23:24:40Z] BenderCoin the video tag one built into it, does not play my files, incompat codec
+ [2013-06-13T23:24:49Z] BenderCoin I am doing some things with mediaplayer but having some issues
+ [2013-06-13T23:24:55Z] BenderCoin was looking for some tips etc

message no. 2864

Posted by BenderCoin in #octopress at 2013-06-13T23:24:22Z

hey anyone in here using media players in octopress?
+ [2013-06-14T16:58:20Z] chrislkeller Hello… I'm fairly new to using Octopress, and am suddenly getting a MentosError pop up when running rake generate. Seems to involve pygments/mentos.py. From what I can gather, it happens when the Python version has been upgraded. Googling showed some success with downgrading the python version 2.6 but that wasn't successful. Any ideas?
+ [2013-06-14T17:35:50Z] parkr chrislkeller: Still here, my friend?
+ [2013-06-14T17:36:29Z] parkr I think I can help you if I can get more info. We've seen these errors before.
+ [2013-06-14T17:36:58Z] parkr Python 2.6 or 2.7 usually fixes the issue but you have to make sure "/usr/bin/env python -v" returns that version.
+ [2013-06-14T17:42:58Z] chrislkeller parkr: I'm running 2.7.3 installed via homebrew...