+ [2014-07-12T15:42:38Z] raboof hmm, oh yeah, github is probably not just running 'jekyll serve' :)
+ [2014-07-12T15:43:05Z] Nevik so if you can make your changes on the jekyll side, it's doable, but the question is when github will then pull in the updated jekyll (theyre probably not running bleeding edge versions)
+ [2014-07-12T15:43:13Z] Nevik if it's an httpd setting, youre probably out of luck
+ [2014-07-12T18:06:01Z] faheem hi. can that ruby gist tool (gist in debian) send a file to a designated gist repos?
+ [2014-07-12T22:00:45Z] frymaster can you highlight multiple lines in a gist?

message no. 29196

Posted by raboof in #github at 2014-07-12T15:40:05Z

if I could just add a text/html content type I *think* I'd be fine - though I'm new to all of this, could be wrong
+ [2014-07-13T00:25:25Z] Shadeness frymaster: click a line number
+ [2014-07-13T00:25:39Z] Shadeness then shift click another
+ [2014-07-13T00:25:55Z] Shadeness Url hashtag will be #L3-10