latest 20 messages by raboof

+ [2015-08-20T07:52:30Z] raboof that too is indeed exposed through the API though, because it's also available in Octodroid (an android github tool)
+ [2015-08-20T07:51:55Z] raboof (actually my original question was about commenting on changed files in PR's, not issues, but this is useful too)
+ [2015-08-20T07:49:26Z] raboof milki: that's neat too, thx.
+ [2015-08-20T07:40:48Z] raboof milki: I've already found that for listing/creating PR's etc, that's great - but does that also support reviewing the changed code and commenting on it? Haven't seen that yet.
+ [2015-08-20T07:26:46Z] raboof can you share your workflow? anyone have good experiences with things like vimperator or similar tools? or other options?
+ [2015-08-20T07:26:21Z] raboof Hi! I'd like to cut down on my mouse usage. Reviewing pull requests (by commenting on the 'files changed') seems to be mouse-heavy still
+ [2014-07-12T16:50:04Z] raboof is there a way to post-process the generated HTML for .md files in 1.5.1?
+ [2014-07-12T16:43:28Z] raboof - hmm looks like github-pages is on 1.5.1 too? or am I misreading?
+ [2014-07-12T16:25:21Z] raboof (i actually found by googling for that error, which is kind of neat :) )
+ [2014-07-12T16:16:44Z] raboof oh, it looks like I'm using an ancient version of jekyll :S (1.5.1), better upgrade I guess :S
+ [2014-07-12T16:15:42Z] raboof the plugin is parsed (when I introduce a mistake jekyll shows an error)
+ [2014-07-12T16:15:26Z] raboof but 'jekyll build' produces 'Invalid Markdown processor: MyCustomParser' and 'Valid options are [ maruku | rdiscount | kramdown | redcarpet ]'
+ [2014-07-12T16:15:02Z] raboof can somebody help me with ? I've copied that file and made 'convert()' just return 'Hello world' and put it in _plugins
+ [2014-07-12T15:42:38Z] raboof hmm, oh yeah, github is probably not just running 'jekyll serve' :)
+ [2014-07-12T15:40:05Z] raboof if I could just add a text/html content type I *think* I'd be fine - though I'm new to all of this, could be wrong
+ [2014-07-12T15:39:38Z] raboof but when I change the jekyll permalink for '' to '/' (instead of '/tour/') it appears jekyll does render the markdown to HTML, but serves it up without a content-type
+ [2014-07-12T15:38:09Z] raboof the way github's file viewer rewrites links in markdown pages seems OK to me
+ [2014-07-12T15:35:33Z] raboof perhaps I could prepare a pullrequest for jekyll somehow though
+ [2014-07-12T15:32:17Z] raboof i'd like to be able to get documentation contributions through github though (seems much nicer than hosting and curating a wiki), and then hosting them on github-pages is convenient :)
+ [2014-07-12T15:31:07Z] raboof sure