+ [2014-07-20T18:10:19Z] Nevik you want the benefit of having your changes in a remote, youre gonna have to push, no way around it. if you dont want it, a local-patch-stack setup will work
+ [2014-07-20T18:11:59Z] normalra Hmm, well, then I should probably stick with the repository fork.
+ [2014-07-20T22:40:20Z] nrs aloha, I have a simple question about gollum, the wiki engine by github. is there anyone who would like to help me?
+ [2014-07-20T23:58:14Z] phantombeta Is it possible to download a folder on a repository from a C# program?

message no. 31054

Posted by Kane_Hart in #github at 2014-07-20T06:17:15Z

I'm sorry I hope this is a newbie friendly place. A lot places on Freenode chew you up fast if you are newer. I'm making a little game with a Opensource license etc. I like to do something like fork the project I think is the term and keep it synced up. I would change Very minor things on the client like branding features that would be hardly touched.
+ [2014-07-21T00:14:17Z] offby1 phantombeta: I don't see why not
+ [2014-07-21T00:14:49Z] offby1 phantombeta: I can think of two ways you might do it: 1) find a git library for C#; 2) have your C# program just run the "git" executable
+ [2014-07-21T04:24:54Z] milki 3) create a git library for C# + opensource it