latest 4 messages by Kane_Hart

+ [2014-07-20T06:18:12Z] Kane_Hart Wondering what normal steps one would take to keep it synced up even if I did no changing and not taking in merging to consideration.
+ [2014-07-20T06:17:44Z] Kane_Hart The only downside is its on gitorious and I want to use github to host the project.
+ [2014-07-20T06:17:15Z] Kane_Hart I'm sorry I hope this is a newbie friendly place. A lot places on Freenode chew you up fast if you are newer. I'm making a little game with a Opensource license etc. I like to do something like fork the project I think is the term and keep it synced up. I would change Very minor things on the client like branding features that would be hardly touched.