+[2014-07-21T20:12:01Z]bretoliusjbfavre easy… either define them in the front matter of any page/post or in _config….. I think there is even a _data file now too +[2014-07-21T20:12:14Z]bretoliusthen you just reference them in any processed post: {{ page.var }} +[2014-07-21T20:12:38Z]bretoliusor {{ site.var }} if defined in the _config file +[2014-07-21T20:13:05Z]bretoliusso you could prefix links with {{ site.url1 }}/link/to/file +[2014-07-21T20:14:05Z]bretoliusthat, plus anything fancy you can do with your webserver rules you can serve things up in interesting ways
jbfavre maybe you could use git submodules set to the head of the other two sites
+[2014-07-22T01:35:00Z]kvdaHow would you go about having a 'front-matter' ie just a yaml file that can be accessed by multiple pages/posts? +[2014-07-22T01:35:54Z]bretoliuskvda your _config file can provide that via {{ site.var }} +[2014-07-22T01:36:14Z]jaybekvda, there's also _data files which are globally accessible +[2014-07-22T01:36:16Z]bretoliuskvda also http://jekyllrb.com/docs/datafiles/ +[2014-07-22T01:36:17Z]kvdathanks bretolius, i'll look into that