latest 20 messages by bretolius

+ [2014-07-22T01:36:16Z] bretolius kvda also
+ [2014-07-22T01:35:54Z] bretolius kvda your _config file can provide that via {{ site.var }}
+ [2014-07-21T20:14:05Z] bretolius that, plus anything fancy you can do with your webserver rules you can serve things up in interesting ways
+ [2014-07-21T20:13:05Z] bretolius so you could prefix links with {{ site.url1 }}/link/to/file
+ [2014-07-21T20:12:38Z] bretolius or {{ site.var }} if defined in the _config file
+ [2014-07-21T20:12:14Z] bretolius then you just reference them in any processed post: {{ page.var }}
+ [2014-07-21T20:12:01Z] bretolius jbfavre easy… either define them in the front matter of any page/post or in _config….. I think there is even a _data file now too
+ [2014-07-21T20:09:15Z] bretolius includes with params might be helpful for that too
+ [2014-07-21T20:08:44Z] bretolius its a little cumbersome but it might work?
+ [2014-07-21T20:08:31Z] bretolius jbfavre you can solve that with variables
+ [2014-07-21T20:07:01Z] bretolius IE. have a single site built by jekyll and serve that off 3 different domains
+ [2014-07-21T20:06:36Z] bretolius jbfavre you might be able to do some tricky stuff with subdirectories and a webserver configuration
+ [2014-07-21T19:53:06Z] bretolius jbfavre maybe you could use git submodules set to the head of the other two sites
+ [2014-07-21T19:52:19Z] bretolius which rebuilds the site for me
+ [2014-07-21T19:52:15Z] bretolius basically writing a web endpoint that can generate jekyll post files and push them to a gh-pages repo
+ [2014-07-21T19:51:42Z] bretolius :) im doing something kidna similar
+ [2014-07-21T19:50:15Z] bretolius but you can automate things around that
+ [2014-07-21T19:49:43Z] bretolius jekyll takes template files and post files and marddown files and compiles them into a website