+[2014-07-25T22:10:07Z]xender(Of course in all cases I mean the situation where ff merge would be actually possible (fork not behind upstream)) +[2014-07-25T22:11:31Z]RemramIt seems to me that Github only does stat over what's in a repository's HEAD branch +[2014-07-25T22:11:48Z]Remramit doesn't count commits that are in other branches as contributions +[2014-07-25T22:12:01Z]Remramalso, the language statistics bar doesn't change when you select a different branch +[2014-07-25T22:12:09Z]Remramthis is annoying.
+[2014-07-26T01:39:31Z]chilversccan I attach a pull request to an issue or should I just put a link to the issue in the pull request? +[2014-07-26T01:44:24Z]RemramThere's a trick with the API that allows you to do that +[2014-07-26T01:44:44Z]Remrambut else you can just reference the issue in your pull request, Github will show a reverse link automatically +[2014-07-26T01:45:24Z]Remrammagic trick is here: http://stackoverflow.com/a/4529172/711380, I use it daily +[2014-07-26T01:45:55Z]chilverscI'll go with the link, seems to have an advantage that you can reject the pull request and issue a new pull request for the same issue