latest 20 messages by chilversc

+ [2016-09-21T12:14:00Z] chilversc hell, you have to know ? is there
+ [2016-09-21T12:13:27Z] chilversc ah thanks, because that's discoverable :s
+ [2016-09-21T12:12:44Z] chilversc a link to a line number refering to /master/...#L200 isn't much good, as any commit would invalidate that
+ [2016-09-21T12:11:55Z] chilversc canton7: the problem is, I normally want to do that when viewing a specifc file so that I can create hyperlinks with line numbers
+ [2016-09-21T12:11:05Z] chilversc canton7: ah, well that saves 1 click from there
+ [2016-09-21T12:08:08Z] chilversc as now you have to go and find the file you were just looking at
+ [2016-09-21T12:07:50Z] chilversc it's a bit convoluted, and rather annoying to do that when viewing a specific file
+ [2016-09-21T12:06:48Z] chilversc is there a simpler way to get to a fixed commit for the current branch other than, commits -> hash of latest commit -> browse files?
+ [2016-04-20T11:15:52Z] chilversc yeah, but I never work on the master branch for my forks, for small simple changes, just use a separate branch and send a pull request
+ [2016-04-20T11:15:12Z] chilversc there is none, I created a pull request on a separate branch, that was merged in to upstream master, so now I just want to catch up
+ [2016-04-20T11:13:55Z] chilversc I mean through the site, be great if there were a simpel 1 click "catch up" button
+ [2016-04-20T11:10:18Z] chilversc is there a simple way to pull changes in to a fork from the main repository?
+ [2016-03-23T15:32:16Z] chilversc all I want to do is provide a shortcut with /blob/<hash>/file#L10 instead of /blob/master/file#L10
+ [2016-03-23T15:30:59Z] chilversc currently I cannot find any simple way to do so, I end up having to go back to the repository root, viewing the commit log, selecting the latest commit, and then browse the repository to find the file again
+ [2016-03-23T15:30:08Z] chilversc when I'm viewing a file in a repository, how do I get a link to that exact version?
+ [2015-07-24T13:08:23Z] chilversc the repository does have a .gitattributes specifying, * text=none
+ [2015-07-24T13:06:25Z] chilversc KevinSjoberg: thanks, thought its not my repository, shouldn't github respect the file's current line endings?
+ [2015-07-24T12:08:54Z] chilversc as an example;
+ [2015-07-24T12:08:42Z] chilversc if I click "edit" on a file, then look at preview changes, the preview shows the whole file as changed?
+ [2015-07-23T16:13:18Z] chilversc also, git status should say, 1 commit ahead