latest 20 messages by xender

+ [2014-09-08T18:57:22Z] xender The keep history of repository renames and automatically create redirects from old URL to new one
+ [2014-09-08T18:56:53Z] xender They may
+ [2014-09-08T18:55:38Z] xender #git maybe better place if it's not Github-related
+ [2014-09-08T18:55:14Z] xender MasterPiece: What's that? Doesn't look like standard git not Github
+ [2014-09-06T08:41:34Z] xender pagios: Any progress?
+ [2014-09-06T08:41:02Z] xender Heh
+ [2014-09-06T07:44:29Z] xender Okay, sorry
+ [2014-09-06T06:37:58Z] xender Please try to find the answer there and ask if you don't understand it. I don't feel that me telling things that someone has formulated better and written down is going to be more helpful
+ [2014-09-06T06:36:46Z] xender I've linked you a tutorial book at least 2 times. Those things are explained there in detail
+ [2014-09-06T06:36:12Z] xender or git pull
+ [2014-09-06T06:36:09Z] xender use git merge or git rebase
+ [2014-09-06T06:35:47Z] xender merge or rebase
+ [2014-09-06T06:33:16Z] xender And commits are local unless you push them to the server
+ [2014-09-06T06:33:03Z] xender Yes, it imports whole history (not only logs)
+ [2014-09-06T06:32:52Z] xender Git's not SVN
+ [2014-09-06T06:32:47Z] xender Just read the !book please
+ [2014-09-06T06:31:45Z] xender git log
+ [2014-09-06T06:31:41Z] xender Hmm
+ [2014-09-06T06:31:37Z] xender Yes, you've done git commit
+ [2014-09-06T06:31:11Z] xender You've committed already?