+ [2014-07-31T22:17:36Z] borodin nevermind you guys carry on - this octopress is really excellent
+ [2014-07-31T22:17:52Z] pontiki that's standard markdown
+ [2014-07-31T22:18:16Z] pontiki http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax
+ [2014-08-02T14:36:19Z] Pierre-O1 Hey guys, I'm considering contributing to octopress, but wondering if I should start to use octopress version 3?
+ [2014-08-02T14:36:53Z] Pierre-O1 It seems still hacky.. (I just finished an octopress init, octopress new post without much success…)

message no. 35207

Posted by Pierre-O1 in #octopress at 2014-08-02T14:36:19Z

Hey guys, I'm considering contributing to octopress, but wondering if I should start to use octopress version 3?
+ [2014-08-05T00:05:07Z] nate` I know this would be a long shot, is there a calendar plugin for octopress? Preferably something that might already talk to a calendaring service such as google?
+ [2014-08-05T00:11:55Z] nate` theshadow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJjhtQiUzRY :p
+ [2014-08-05T00:12:29Z] theshadow shhh's nate`
+ [2014-08-05T00:12:33Z] theshadow We don't talk about the shadow
+ [2014-08-05T00:14:56Z] nate` I guess that also answers my question