+ [2014-08-04T23:06:04Z] borodin I found a video :)
+ [2014-08-04T23:06:08Z] knod because it's the same stuff as is being described
+ [2014-08-04T23:06:13Z] knod Good!
+ [2014-08-04T23:25:38Z] borodin Push would result in non fast-forward update - how can I overcome this?
+ [2014-08-04T23:25:48Z] borodin this is me pushing an existing project into a new github repo

message no. 36077

Posted by paulo_ in #github at 2014-08-04T07:01:42Z

how do I see who forked my repo?
+ [2014-08-05T00:58:05Z] VxJasonxV pardon the snark, but you would overcome it by learning git
+ [2014-08-05T00:58:32Z] VxJasonxV what that message is telling you is that the history on the remote doesn't align with what you have in your repo
+ [2014-08-05T00:58:42Z] VxJasonxV this could happen if you initialized the repository on github with a readme or .gitignore
+ [2014-08-05T00:59:05Z] VxJasonxV you probably want to force push, since I believe at this point you only care about the local version of your repository
+ [2014-08-05T00:59:09Z] VxJasonxV but you shouldn't make a habit of doing that