+ [2014-08-05T00:18:51Z] theshadow Can't complain about free bacon
+ [2014-08-05T00:19:09Z] nate` Well you can when you gotta do the butchering, but still free bacon and pork
+ [2014-08-05T00:19:30Z] nate` bright side is also getting to sit out in the middle of nowhere, ignore people, and then shoot something to consume.
+ [2014-08-05T04:19:13Z] pontiki you should hunt it with a spear
+ [2014-08-05T04:19:23Z] pontiki none of this easy rifle business

message no. 36645

Posted by nate` in #octopress at 2014-08-05T00:15:25Z

I had enough when I wrote my facebook photoalbum plugin
+ [2014-08-07T12:13:42Z] vsilv hey folks I have a little problem here, anyone using octopress with git user pages?
+ [2014-08-07T12:14:18Z] Maior vsilv: what's your actual problem?
+ [2014-08-07T12:15:28Z] vsilv Im getting a problem with rake deploy, git cant push sucessfully
+ [2014-08-07T12:15:50Z] vsilv "failed to push some refs to" ... Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind │
+ [2014-08-07T12:16:32Z] vsilv I am setting up the octopress init so its nothing special