+[2014-08-09T22:30:49Z]hamiltont_if so, this is awesome +[2014-08-09T22:35:42Z]hamiltont_ah, no +[2014-08-09T22:49:06Z]hamiltont_Does anyone have a documentation link for what refs github adds for each pull request +[2014-08-09T22:49:27Z]hamiltont_I see it adds refs/pull/<number>/merge and refs/pull/<number>/head +[2014-08-09T22:49:31Z]hamiltont_I would love to know if there are others
I see it adds refs/pull/<number>/merge and refs/pull/<number>/head
+[2014-08-10T08:09:40Z]Danielss89Hi, so i have a few questions about the PR conversation page +[2014-08-10T08:09:49Z]Danielss89it seems like it has gone back in functionality +[2014-08-10T08:10:03Z]Danielss89i don’t see the “commented on outdated diff” anymore? +[2014-08-10T08:10:31Z]Danielss89Also, i can’t answer code comments directly on the conversation page, i have to go to the “files changed” section and find it: http://take.ms/W8ijA +[2014-08-10T12:11:15Z]ThibaultmolHi, I have a problem with a certain thing in css, does anyone want to help?