latest 18 messages by hamiltont_

+ [2014-08-10T15:12:32Z] hamiltont_ ok, send in a feature request
+ [2014-08-10T15:11:30Z] hamiltont_ well, no public one
+ [2014-08-10T15:11:25Z] hamiltont_ There's no issue tracker for github issues :-(
+ [2014-08-10T14:27:20Z] hamiltont_ Perhaps Github needs to have a tab for <> Code, a tab for Issues, and a tab for Commits in their search results page
+ [2014-08-10T14:26:25Z] hamiltont_ I know the commit exists
+ [2014-08-10T14:26:21Z] hamiltont_ this seems very odd behavior for github....
+ [2014-08-10T14:26:08Z] hamiltont_ When I put a SHA into the search box, nothing is found!
+ [2014-08-09T22:49:31Z] hamiltont_ I would love to know if there are others
+ [2014-08-09T22:49:27Z] hamiltont_ I see it adds refs/pull/<number>/merge and refs/pull/<number>/head
+ [2014-08-09T22:49:06Z] hamiltont_ Does anyone have a documentation link for what refs github adds for each pull request
+ [2014-08-09T22:30:49Z] hamiltont_ if so, this is awesome
+ [2014-08-09T22:30:42Z] hamiltont_ Wait...does github's refs/pull/1/head refspec automagically point to the exact master that this pull request is based on?!
+ [2014-08-09T22:21:38Z] hamiltont_ hey hey, keep it in /r/malefashionadvice
+ [2014-08-09T22:14:06Z] hamiltont_ offby1: a confirmation that I'm at least reasonable is good to hear, thanks ;-)
+ [2014-08-09T22:07:13Z] hamiltont_ Or am I missing some tricky situation complexities?
+ [2014-08-09T22:06:59Z] hamiltont_ If I want to know the exact place on master that a pull request is based, can I just check the parent of the first commit in the pull request?