+ [2014-08-11T03:24:09Z] jaybe sunbeam, take a look at the jekyllrb.com site and source. perfect example.
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:09Z] sunbeam jaybe: ok thanks
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:09Z] mojobot http://oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/write.ign.com/63854/2014/02/the-more-you-know-GIF.gif
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:09Z] parkr mojobot animate me the more you know
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:09Z] pontiki hehe, parkr :)

message no. 38304

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2014-08-11T03:24:08Z

sunbeam, you alluded last evening/this morning to defining 'site.data.*...' within _config.yml. if you did so, you may have overridden the capabilities of the data files feature. considered that?
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:09Z] parkr Mex: re http://irc.parkermoo.re/messages/24518, not at the moment, no.
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:09Z] parkr I'd love to come up with a profiling solution, but none has been satisfactory. Usually due to Markdown parsers being slow.
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:09Z] parkr The average build time on GitHub Pages is wicked fast, but they have bare-metal machines.
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:09Z] parkr Slowness with Jekyll is usually due to an I/O bottleneck (i.e. accessing your disk takes a while)
+ [2014-08-11T03:24:09Z] parkr I recently upgraded to an SSD and I'm finding builds very quick.