+ [2014-08-12T19:30:17Z] jaybe http://jekyllrb.com/docs/templates/
+ [2014-08-12T19:36:18Z] jaybe ronaldvz, i.e. {% for post in site.posts %} {{ post.title | where:"showonhome","true" }} {% endfor %}
+ [2014-08-12T20:33:57Z] ronaldvz jaybe, thanks :-)
+ [2014-08-12T20:47:41Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] jekyll/jekyll#4221 (fix-reading-imgs) The build was fixed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/32373802
+ [2014-08-12T20:51:40Z] jaybe ronaldvz, ;)

message no. 38686

Posted by pop_n_fresh in #jekyll at 2014-08-12T04:52:31Z

jaybe: I made a default jekyll site and built it and it still didn't work. It seems like it's finding the right css file and all of the contents. Could it have anything to do with my jekyll install? Is there some dependency I could be missing?
+ [2014-08-13T01:46:43Z] Simba_ Hello! I'm looking for a way to run the sass converter on a sass file manually. The main goal is to inline a portion of my sass in the head the web page. I can do this with css if I put the css in _includes and include it, but including a .scss file doesn't run the converter on it. basically I think I want a markdownify for sass. any ideas?
+ [2014-08-13T02:27:22Z] iamcarrico Simba_: You can just call sass— it doesn’t need to run through Jekyll
+ [2014-08-13T02:28:52Z] iamcarrico e.g. create a .scss file just for that, and compile it before running Jekyll.
+ [2014-08-13T02:30:08Z] Simba_ Yeah, I was wondering if I could do it without a plugin, for GitHub Pages