+ [2014-08-12T19:30:17Z] jaybe http://jekyllrb.com/docs/templates/
+ [2014-08-12T19:36:18Z] jaybe ronaldvz, i.e. {% for post in site.posts %} {{ post.title | where:"showonhome","true" }} {% endfor %}
+ [2014-08-12T20:33:57Z] ronaldvz jaybe, thanks :-)
+ [2014-08-12T20:47:41Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] jekyll/jekyll#4221 (fix-reading-imgs) The build was fixed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/32373802
+ [2014-08-12T20:51:40Z] jaybe ronaldvz, ;)

message no. 39107

Posted by ronaldvz in #jekyll at 2014-08-12T19:22:47Z

i've been staring at this for way too long :X
+ [2014-08-13T01:46:43Z] Simba_ Hello! I'm looking for a way to run the sass converter on a sass file manually. The main goal is to inline a portion of my sass in the head the web page. I can do this with css if I put the css in _includes and include it, but including a .scss file doesn't run the converter on it. basically I think I want a markdownify for sass. any ideas?
+ [2014-08-13T02:27:22Z] iamcarrico Simba_: You can just call sass— it doesn’t need to run through Jekyll
+ [2014-08-13T02:28:52Z] iamcarrico e.g. create a .scss file just for that, and compile it before running Jekyll.
+ [2014-08-13T02:30:08Z] Simba_ Yeah, I was wondering if I could do it without a plugin, for GitHub Pages