+ [2014-08-13T17:14:29Z] WiK i get that from my rake generate on mac os X 10.9
+ [2014-08-13T18:19:55Z] WiK i cant seem to find a way to get a verbose log to find out exactly what line is erroring and where
+ [2014-08-14T16:48:18Z] praqzis If you followed the instructions on the site, there are two steps. "rake generate" will generate the output from the new post and then "rake deploy" will deploy it up to github pages (this also assumes you ran the "rake setup-github-pages" command). Then you save the original source post using the normal "git add ." / "git commit" / "git push origin source"
+ [2014-08-15T20:43:46Z] kgs hi
+ [2014-08-15T20:44:26Z] kgs i am traying to set up Octopress blog, but I am not sure which version should I use, because I see that master branch is in active development. Any suggestions?

message no. 40147

Posted by kgs in #octopress at 2014-08-15T20:43:46Z

+ [2014-08-17T22:03:29Z] wmorri Hi, I am having a problem doing a fresh install on my fresh Debian install. Here is my pastebin error: http://pastebin.com/9d9ZDpFD
+ [2014-08-18T17:40:35Z] fdelacruz hi, I would like to transfer an existing page I have hosted on github to octopress, but I'm having problem getting my head wrapped around how to do it
+ [2014-08-18T19:27:39Z] intothev01d so i'm trying to run 'rake preview' but i get env missing required key SERVER_NAME when i load the page