+ [2014-08-19T22:59:56Z] jaccob I tried github add j.js and nothing happenned, then a commit and added message new j.js but still nothing showed up in github
+ [2014-08-19T23:04:28Z] jaccob nothing to commit (working directory clean)
+ [2014-08-19T23:10:02Z] CodePulsar_ jaccob: git status will tell you if you have commits not pushed
+ [2014-08-19T23:31:20Z] jaccob CodePulsar_, oh sorry, I didn't notice your response somehow, I was checking. THx, not I didn't push

message no. 40938

Posted by Colin_ in #github at 2014-08-19T03:32:19Z

The commits are fine they are just all duplicates
+ [2014-08-20T00:57:55Z] knod Is there a way to, on the site, upload files into existing folders?
+ [2014-08-20T00:58:12Z] knod For example, if my friend wanted to add images to the images folder
+ [2014-08-20T01:19:22Z] offby1 knod: don't think so
+ [2014-08-20T01:27:03Z] knod Ok, thanks offby1
+ [2014-08-20T02:01:05Z] XndrK Is there a way to set up gh-pages as the default branch?