latest 12 messages by Colin_

+ [2014-10-26T00:08:47Z] Colin_ Will I run into any problems if I manage a working copy of a repo within an ignored directory of a working copy of another repo?
+ [2014-08-19T03:38:21Z] Colin_ thanks :P
+ [2014-08-19T03:38:19Z] Colin_ git push -f
+ [2014-08-19T03:38:17Z] Colin_ Got it
+ [2014-08-19T03:34:30Z] Colin_ Which is good, if I push will remove the old commits from the repo?
+ [2014-08-19T03:34:20Z] Colin_ Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 194 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch)
+ [2014-08-19T03:34:18Z] Colin_ Running git status now gives me
+ [2014-08-19T03:34:05Z] Colin_ Alright so I just tried git reset --soft HEAD^
+ [2014-08-19T03:32:29Z] Colin_ so I just need to remove them without affecting the repository
+ [2014-08-19T03:32:19Z] Colin_ The commits are fine they are just all duplicates
+ [2014-08-19T03:29:48Z] Colin_ Anyone know how to revert everything from my latest push?
+ [2014-08-19T03:29:37Z] Colin_ Hello all. I need to revert my latest push as it pushed all duplicate commits