+[2014-08-21T21:58:03Z]jaybephillipadsmith, jekyll leverages the liquid language so liquid's tags should be available. the link in the /topic (liquid for designers) is a good start. +[2014-08-21T21:58:51Z]phillipadsmithjaybe: yep, I'm pretty familiar with the docs. :) +[2014-08-21T21:59:01Z]phillipadsmithjaybe: but I'm finding that some Liquid tags just don't work +[2014-08-21T21:59:15Z]jaybevery possible/likely +[2014-08-21T21:59:17Z]phillipadsmithe.g., {{ '100% M & Ms!!!' | handleize }}
[travis-ci] jekyll/profiling#5 The build was broken. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/profiling/builds/33146414
+[2014-08-22T16:56:30Z]fdelacruzis there any way to get rid of the invisible scrollbar on code? +[2014-08-22T17:02:16Z]jaybefdelacruz, yes; that is a css thing +[2014-08-22T17:02:24Z]jaybehtml/css +[2014-08-22T17:02:31Z]fdelacruzok +[2014-08-22T17:03:21Z]fdelacruzi check _syntax-highlighting.scss