+ [2014-08-27T04:26:31Z] mikechelen oh well thanks anyway, i created an issue about it
+ [2014-08-27T04:26:59Z] mikechelen i can just build on my desktop but it would be nice to support old hw
+ [2014-08-27T16:37:51Z] bret mikechelen do you have python/pygments installed? i think those are required
+ [2014-08-27T18:24:44Z] mikechelen bret: yup im actually using a docker image, which i know works on other systems
+ [2014-08-27T18:24:58Z] mikechelen i guess that might add some processing overhead though

message no. 43444

Posted by mikechelen in #jekyll at 2014-08-27T04:08:10Z

is there any way to increase the timeout for pygments? i keep getting "error: pygments.rb returned unacceptable value" when building site on an old netbook
+ [2014-08-29T09:37:17Z] rs https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/issues/2851 please help me , dev question
+ [2014-08-30T09:18:16Z] dean[h] Hi all. I want to include twig template language code examples in my markdown posts. But jekyll is complaining as i think twig uses similar syntax to the template language used in jekyll
+ [2014-08-30T09:18:19Z] dean[h] is there some kind of escape tag?
+ [2014-08-30T09:19:43Z] dean[h] aha! {% raw %}, nm
+ [2014-08-30T23:12:44Z] sineer Hi! I'm new to Jekyll and I'm trying to build Polymer doc from google that uses it.. I use grunt to generate the html and everything seems to run fine until I open the html and see a #<Jekyll::ProcessTOC:0x007fe0f102c978> instead of the actual content I expected to see..