latest 20 messages by mikechelen

+ [2014-08-27T18:24:58Z] mikechelen i guess that might add some processing overhead though
+ [2014-08-27T18:24:44Z] mikechelen bret: yup im actually using a docker image, which i know works on other systems
+ [2014-08-27T04:26:59Z] mikechelen i can just build on my desktop but it would be nice to support old hw
+ [2014-08-27T04:26:31Z] mikechelen oh well thanks anyway, i created an issue about it
+ [2014-08-27T04:08:10Z] mikechelen is there any way to increase the timeout for pygments? i keep getting "error: pygments.rb returned unacceptable value" when building site on an old netbook
+ [2014-07-28T18:30:11Z] mikechelen Trynemjoel: hmm weird
+ [2014-07-28T06:11:26Z] mikechelen thor looks interesting
+ [2014-07-28T06:06:41Z] mikechelen hehe well id have to install it to see the output :D
+ [2014-07-28T06:02:02Z] mikechelen include some usage examples in the readme?
+ [2014-07-28T05:55:26Z] mikechelen what does this thing do?
+ [2014-07-28T00:45:09Z] mikechelen Trynemjoel: any reason not to use /css/main.css locally?
+ [2014-07-27T06:59:46Z] mikechelen kyle___: get it working?
+ [2014-07-27T02:33:05Z] mikechelen oh well, thats what i thought
+ [2014-07-27T02:28:12Z] mikechelen and in _config.yml "permalink: /:foo/:title/
+ [2014-07-27T02:27:43Z] mikechelen for example, in page YAML "foo: bar"
+ [2014-07-27T02:26:46Z] mikechelen can you use YAML vars in site-wide permalink settings?
+ [2014-07-26T05:28:17Z] mikechelen ah i think i have an answer using 1 redirect