latest 20 messages by bret

+ [2015-07-31T23:11:32Z] bret any conflicts, git will yell at you and let you use a merge tool of your choice to figure out overlap
+ [2015-07-31T23:10:56Z] bret typically you would merge one branch into the other
+ [2015-07-31T23:10:31Z] bret you can take two branches, do indipedant changes then later merge those two then PR that to the main
+ [2015-07-31T23:10:08Z] bret yup
+ [2015-07-31T23:07:36Z] bret Gurkenglas: one fork with as many branches as you want
+ [2015-07-31T18:43:02Z] bret months to years should be good!
+ [2015-07-31T18:42:45Z] bret no unless github turns evil one day
+ [2015-07-31T17:36:21Z] bret yes enforcement history is loose, but its a matter of a legal agreements
+ [2015-07-31T17:35:48Z] bret Nevik: its a legal document
+ [2015-07-31T17:33:29Z] bret "One person or legal entity may not maintain more than one free account."
+ [2015-07-31T17:31:34Z] bret ohhh
+ [2015-07-31T17:30:39Z] bret eg like this ? but more explicite?
+ [2015-07-31T17:30:09Z] bret VxJasonxV: does github have any good documentation I can share with my current employer about why its better to just use one gh account rather than making multiple?
+ [2015-07-17T17:49:18Z] bret oops wrong channel
+ [2015-07-17T17:49:14Z] bret beep
+ [2015-05-07T17:56:35Z] bret dear github, per organization notification and watching rules please
+ [2015-04-02T01:23:42Z] bret (and slower)
+ [2015-04-02T01:23:30Z] bret yeah, travis can do custom jekyll deployment stuff, its a bit more complicated
+ [2015-03-30T23:59:46Z] bret when do we get the juicy details of the ddos attack?
+ [2015-03-20T20:11:18Z] bret stef1a: charge your phone?